
Citrus Boost


Here it is, your French citrus boost! Take 20% OFF everything citrus in our store with the code CITRUS.


Our citrus selection features some 50 handpicked favorites, ranging from savory preparations, fruit preserves, cakes and cookies, confectionery, to beverages and soaps. Plenty to cheer you up as you patiently wait for spring!


Oh, and if you're not done with your Valentine's Day shipping, NOW is the time to sample our Valentine's Day treats. Just mention yours is a "VD order" in the Comments box at checkout so that we know to give it priority!


Enjoy the flavors.Take good care of yourself and of your loved ones.


Marianne Prébet

Founder & Gourmand-in-Chief

This month's deals: 20% OFF eveything citrus (code CITRUS)


Just in: more French favorites

Among the French favorites recently added to our shelves you will find Reflets de France buckwheat crozet pasta from the French Alps, Les Mouettes d'Arvor tuna rillettes with sundried tomato, Teisseire sugar-free orange syrup, Francis Miot Cœur d'Amour and La Parisienne jams
, Maison Pécou Occitane Dragées (sugar-coated almonds), and two new herbal teas by Les 2 Marmottes: Agrumes (Citrus) and 7ème Ciel (Seventh Heaven), a must-have for Valentine's Day. ;)

If there is a French treat you would like to find on our website, please share your craving with us.


Suggestions for your French agenda

There is plenty of exciting French cultural events all around America. Enjoy your picks!


The Denver Art Museum presents The 19th Century in European and American Art. 


Houston's Museum of Fine Arts presents Gauguin in the World. Through February 16.


L'Alliance New York presents Isabelle Huppert reads Maupassant. March 3.


L'Alliance New York presents The Ballad of Patrick Dewaere, the new film series showcasing the unforgettable French actor of the 1970s and 1980s. Through March 4.


In New York the Met Museum presents Paris through the Eyes of Saint-Aubin. Through February 4.


In San Francisco the de Young Museum presents Matisse's "Jazz" Unbound. Through July 6.


In Washington, DC Marc Chagall's magistral Orphée mosaic in on view in the sculpture garden of the National Gallery of Art.


Try out Francine's recipe for lemon mousse

Lemon Mousse

Tickle taste buds with the sweet acidity of this delicious mousse!

Ingredients (serves 4)
2 eggs
25cl water
95g sugar
1 Tbsp all purpose flour
1 lemon (zest and juice)
a pinch of salt

Separate egg whites and yolks.
Mix the water, sugar, and lemon zest and bring to a boil in saucer pan. Add in the flour and whip. Bring to a boil again, then pour on the yolks and whip.
Beat the egg whites stiff with the pinch of salt.
Add the lemon juice to the yolk mixture, then add in 1 Tbps of the egg whites and whip.
Incorporate the rest of the egg whites delicately with a spatula.
Pour into pretty glasses, then refrigerate for at least one hour.
Take out of the fridge just before serving.